Bible Psychology 101: The Divine Guide to Mental Health Mastery

The Bible is not a psychology book, but God is the Creator of humankind and Bible psychology. He outlines mental health fundamentals for all.

This is Chapter 19 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life from The Explanation with Sam Kneller

Two Greek words compose Bible psychology; psyche, meaning consciousness, and logos, meaning study. In English. We use psyche with other significations like spirit and soul.

Consciousness and Mind

At the base of the mind is consciousness. As defined by Genesis 2:7, this is the neshama, the understanding and awareness that God places in each human being. Consciousness is present from birth and is the fundamental makeup of every human. Neshama identifies what a human is.

Each human possesses the five elements: Purpose, Conduct, Reasoning, Socialization, and Rulership, and interaction is…



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.