The Only Bible Study Tools You Need to Dig Deep.

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1. Wanna find a word or phrase in the Bible, anywhere, anytime easy-peasy, even when you’re out walking?

Go to Search by WORD OR PHRASE, enter your word or phrase like “breath of life.” Click on SEARCH, et voila. All the verses with the phrase are highlighted in red. It’s that simple. How to study the Bible. Just go to

2. Wanna find a Bible verse anywhere, anytime, even in the forest?

Easy-peasy, just go to Locate your book, from Genesis to Revelation. Enter your chapter and verse, and hit “Search,” et voila. Simply go to

3. Wanna find the best Bible study tool to do bible study anywhere, anytime?

Go to Search for Genesis 2:7. Switch to Strong’s Concordance (drop-down menu). Find “breath” in “breath of life.” Click on the right of “breath,” 5397. Breath, neshama, is the 5397th word in the alphabetized 8674 Hebrew words used in the Old Testament. The first part of Strong’s is his reference, and then KJV is King James Version translators, and these are all the English words used to translate the one Hebrew word neshama

4. You just got a thought, and you want to do a deep-dive Bible Study.

Go to and use the Interlinear Bible with the original languages, Hebrew and Greek. Even if you can’t read it you can compare two words and see if they’re identical. In Genesis 2:7 God “breathed,” and the “breath” of life. “Breathed” and “breath” are not the same word in Hebrew. One is YIFACH, and the other is NISHMAT, Neshama). Using the Interlinear Bible, we can immediately see this difference. It’s an essential Bible Study tool. Find it at at

5. Is reading the Bible sufficient for a full understanding of Scripture?

Reading the Bible is useful for an overall opinion but insufficient for full comprehension. The example in Acts chapter 8, where the Eunuch needs Philip’s spiritual insight for a deeper explanation reveals reading has its limits.

Diligent deep study is essential. Here’s a challenge: READ Genesis 2:7 and try answering these questions.

1. Why are Lord (Yahveh) singular and God (Elohim) plural?

2. Does man, “adam” in Hebrew, only refer to the masculine gender?

3. The Hebrew says the breath of liveS. Why plural?

4. What is a soul?

You will only answer these questions with deeper Bible study. In the book Mind-Body Problem Solved, I’ll show you HOW to answer them. Subscribe.

6. Is Consulting Commentaries Sufficient to Reach Full Understanding of the Bible?

The real question is do you want to be a spectator or a player with Bible Study? Spectators watch and listen to commentators. Players are IN the game, listening to their coach, God, with active Bible Study.

Read ten commentaries; you’ll get eleven varieties of truth. You’re listening to third-party commentaries on Scripture.

A player is working their mental muscles. They are on God’s side, finding out what His plays are. They’re working directly with God’s Keys to unlock His meaning of Scripture.

The Explanation offers you the 7 Keys to grasp the original meaning of God’s Word. Why settle for commentaries when you can possess the original?

7. Only Coherent Complete Bible Study Unlocks the God’s Intended Meaning of Scripture.

God’s Word is like a giant puzzle. Each piece, word, verse, and chapter must assemble in its proper one and only place.

Religion is in confusion because the pieces are jumbled. Puzzle pieces are forced into the wrong position.

Bible Course:

When you reach a fuller understanding of EACH word with the help of the 7 Keys to master Biblical Hebrew method, you can see how the puzzle pieces fit together. Bible Study Must Reach Coherent Completeness. Then you can see how the closest words assemble, and with prayer, meditation, and diligent Bible study, how the whole puzzle will assemble to reveal God’s plan for humanity.



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.