You Have 2 Spirits. The Awesome Essence of Neshama and Ruach Revealed

Mental health points to the metaphysical beyond the body. So, what’s together with the body? 2 spirits, according to the Bible.

We use two common terms daily: consciousness and mind, although science doesn’t know what either of them is. It’s time to reveal what they are and how they function. Only when you know how a device operates optimally can you fine-tune it.

This is Chapter 15 from the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life, from The Explanation with Sam Kneller

Humans have physical and mental specifications. We could make lists of body parts and correlate them with their biological functions and nutritional needs. We know that the body gets sick if these needs are unmet. In an identical manner, the human mental “parts” have nourishment essentials to meet their requirements for optimal functioning.

Unfortunately, the emphasis today is often on pills and potions, which cannot fix the causes of…



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.